The New Abolitionists Campaign
The New Abolitionists campaign, launched in 2013 by the New York State Anti-Trafficking Coalition, seeks to raise awareness around human trafficking and modern-day slavery by recognizing and honoring those who are actively involved in the effort to combat these scourges and provide services to victims, as well as prominent figures willing to lend their stature and take a public stand to condemn trafficking and enslavement. The more than 280 subjects photographed by Savarese for this project include a wide range of individuals, from over 60 survivors of trafficking to such luminaries as President Jimmy Carter, Meryl Streep, Liam Neeson, Tina Fey, Gloria Steinem, Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, Senators Gillibrand and Schumer, Curtis Manning, and former Mayors Bloomberg. Fifty of these Abolitionist portraits were first displayed at the International Center of Photography in 2013. A second exhibition featuring many more of the portraits was held at the Paley Center in NYC in 2014. Photoville 2015—one of the largest photography fairs in the country—featured a number of New Abolitionists in a gallery especially dedicated to the project for two weeks in September 2015, and in November 2015, solo exhibitions of New York's New Abolitionists were held at Harvard Law School and at at a national judiciary conference held at Cipriani in New York, with the chief justices of more than half of the country's state supreme courts in attendance. Savarese also has helped produce several editions of a book for the project, featuring both all of the Abolitionist portraits and insights on trafficking. For more information please visit:


Schwendeman Taxidermy Studio Archives
After a stint as a volunteer photographer for the American Museum of Natural History, Savarese was commissioned by the Schwendeman Taxidermy Studio in Milltown, New Jersey in the spring of 2012 to photograph its inventory of mounted specimens. Although the project was put on hold after the death of David Schwendeman--the last full-time taxidermist employed by the American Museum of Natural History and one of the finest taxidermists of his generation---Savarese remains close to David's son, Bruce Schwendeman--a third-generation taxidermist--and looks forward to continuing the archival project following the studio's relocation to Pennsylvania.


Sanctuary for Families' Flower Garden
Like many NGOs, Sanctuary for Families--the largest provider of services to victims of domestic violence in New York State--operates on a very tight budget that precludes expenditures like decor for its office. Concerned, however, that its dreary reception room--decorated with a mishmash of cast-offs -- failed to provide a welcoming environment for its traumatized clients, the organization asked Savarese if she could help transform the space. With great pleasure, Savarese produced thirty framed prints of bits and pieces of flowers in a mix of vibrant color to adorn the walls of the reception room and office space.


Girl Be Heard
Savarese was asked by Girl Be Heard, a not-for-profit organization using theater as a vehicle to empower young women to become brave, confident, socially conscious leaders while exploring their own challenging circumstances, to photograph portraits of staff members for its website. To learn more about the organization, visit: